DMV Will Close 1/2 Day July 24th to Learn How!

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By BStigers on June 26, 2019.

All DMV offices will close a half day on July 24th for training on the Federal Real ID program. The announcement was made by Gov. Newsomas DMV Strike Team and said this was a necessary thing. Offices will open at 1 PM. The Real ID program requires all U.S. eligible residents to get the updated ID card if they want to board airplanes or enter otherA federalA facilities without a passport after Oct. 1, 2020. California DMV has struggled with this program since it launched in January of 2018. Several ID cards have been issued to non-eligible people, and the overall program has been a mess with DMV not getting the proper ID information required by the FEDS. The DMV is also requesting 17% more funding to handle the program pushing the total budget to 1.36 billion dollars. Critics of the DMV management say there needs to be a change in leadership and proof of competency in running the day to day business to justify the increase of funds. The deadline for the REAL ID is October 1, 2020.