Schools Looking at Coping With Lights Out!

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By BStigers on October 15, 2019.

School systems in the Northern California area are assessing their aOutagea days based on the recent power outage witnessed last week. Schools then use the following points to help guide them in their closure procedure if they lose power

Classroom and campus lighting a is it sufficient for learning and safe for student and staff movement?

Are phone lines available for emergency calls?

Do all alert/alarm systems have back up power?

Is there ample water supply for restrooms and hand washing?

Can the nutritional needs of students be met (breakfast/lunch programs)?

Are there adequate staffing levels?

Then are the communication systems to inform parents on the situation at the basic school?

KAHI COMMENT: Is there funding from the state and other resources for these days off, and how can they be recovered. Is the new norm: Will Power Outage days be treated like aSnow daysa or will peter be robbed to pay Paul? A Stay asking questions folks, we are in a shifting point here!A END OF KAHI COMMENT!