Ninety Two Year Old PG&E Office Closing and To Be Sold!

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By BStigers on February 26, 2021.


Auburn PG&E building, built in 1928, to be decommissioned | Gold Country MediaAuburnas PG&E office at 1050 High Street, completed and open to serve the public will be decommissioned along with nine other like offices by March 1st. PG&E Spokesperson Megan McFarland said customers have changed their behavior and with the year long shutdown due to the Covid-19 virus the office will remain closed and be put up for sale. The rectangular, flat-roof, masonry, three-story building with a basement was built for $50,000 and served as headquarters for PG&Eas Drum Division, according to a history resources inventory form provided by Kelsey Monahan, Curator of Archives with the Placer County Facilities Management Museums Division. It has been owned by PG&E for its entire 92 years.