Paper Receipts Next Green Target!

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By BStigers on May 25, 2019.

The California State Assembly approved Thursday a bill that would prohibit business from handing paper receipts to customers unless they request them. Instead, businesses would provide electronic receipts. Many businesses already use this technique when you pay a bill on line, but local impact business like restaurants and retail stores still provide paper printed receipts. If AB 161 passes, and the gov. signs it into law, business that print out receipts rather than providing electronic receipts would be charged up to $300 dollars per year as a fine or tax? The bill does exclude small business that gross under $2 million dollars per year, Cash only establishments, health care providers and business that prints receipts free of industrial chemicals that is harmful to human health. Green AmericaA reports that paper receipts require over 3 million trees and 9 billion gallons of water annually. They produce 302 million pounds of solid waste and 4 billion pounds of greenhouse gases. Receipts on email is coming for all.