Police Cams May Not Be Permitted To Use Face Recon!

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By BStigers on September 14, 2019.

A bill, in the current frenzy of bills that are headed to the California governoras desk, if he signs it, could bar police officers wearing body cams from using face recognition software. These types of limiting law enforcement actions are frustrating to say the least. Any attempt to use recognition technology falls into a pool of opposition at the state level which further frustrates the law enforcement community who depends on this technology since they are limited for lack of funds. The opposition often zeros in on one aspect of the technology when there are many other types of uses that police agencies can support, and service the community better. Missing persons is just one of these. Much of this opposition is coming from a test, using Ca state legislators which identified 26 lawmakers in the Ca. state legislature as criminals. Obviously, this error, if it was, upset lawmakers and they want to kill it. It is obvious, we need more testing and more information on this, so called mistake. Face recognition software is used throughout the world by Governments, police agencies, marketing agencies, and social networking every second. If you doubt this, look at the next picture you take on your Iphone and look at the square it puts around the face of the person you are photographing. Then go on Face book and look at the face recognition squares on anything you post, and often names appear, which says they know who you are. Ladies and Gentlemen, the age of facial recognition is here!