Sacramento-Roseville 5th Worst City Air Pollution!

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By BStigers on April 26, 2019.

Sacramento-Roseville has been ranked as the 5th in rank of US cities that have high rates of Ozone, Year around particle pollution, and short term particle pollution. The report, issued by the American Lung Association, in its 20th edition, listed three California cities with high levels of smog, and soot, in other words air pollution. Los Angeles rated # 1, Visalia # 2, Bakersfield # 3 Fresno and area # 4 Sacramento-Roseville # 5 San Diego and area # 6 Phoenex, AZ # 7 amd San Jose and area # 8. Seven of the top ten air pollution high ranked cities are located in California. Houston and New York Metro areas were ranked # 9 and 10.