By Jerry Henry on January 11, 2020.
Gov. Newsom as part of his new budget proposal, is requesting to take California as a state, into the drug business by selling prescription drugs saying it will help provide competition to drug companies and help drive down drug costs to California residents. Newscoma s plan would create a generic drug label and create a state department that would negotiate prices for consumers and hopefully create competition to other drug companies and drive the costs to California consumers down. So, the Governora s proposal would create a label, but not manufacture any drugs. The state would contract with generic drug companies, and then in effect, become a reseller, not unlike Walgreens, Walmart, Costco, and others that do the same thing. The driving down costs is a fine idea, but history does not support this. So, what is Newsome really thinking? Maybe he sees this as another revenue channel into the state budget, as a business deal that says we buy your Drug product, Mister drug company, and because of our size, we can drive your price down below others, and therefore we are a drug retailer like Walmart, Costco, and Walgreens. Wow. So, we become a competitor to business, but we are Government. So now leta s examine where does the profit from this capitalist program go, into the state bank account? So, is this another tax or franchise fee disguised as a business deal run by a political system?A We really need to know.
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