The City of Auburn officially kicked off the Christmas Holidays yesterday with Santa riding on a city fire engine throughout downtown and Old town and officially lighting the Christmas Tree at Central Square. There was a video shot and will be available on the cityas website Friday.…
More counties in California announced new COVID-19 restrictions on Saturday to prevent rising caseloads from spiraling into a hospital crisis. Starting today, San Francisco and San Mateo counties will join a statewide curfew and Silicon Valley will ban all high school, collegiate and professional sports and impose a quarantine for…
The Sacramento County District Attorney announced yesterday that millions od state unemployment dollars have been paid fraudulently to California prison inmates since the Covid-19 Virus pandemic arrived in California earlier this year. Attorney Anne Marie Schubert reported yesterday that the jail and prison inmates have filed and been paid millions…
Placer County Director of Health and Human Services Dr. Rob Oldham.…
Placer Union High School District returned to “Modified Distance Learning” as of today. Officials stated This Pause for 14 days is to stabilize our community COVID-19 trends. In person learning is expected when students return on November 30.…
Gov Newsom gave a long press conference yesterday and painted a picture of disquieting reality that the state was seeing its highest level of Covid-19 infection levels in months. He referenced Bay Area health officials urging residents that traveled outside the region to quarantine for 14 days upon return. The…
Mayor Dan Berlant and Placer County Supervisor Cindy Gustafson confirmed that the County and City will return to the RED status on the Governoras rating system today. This hits small business, particularly restaurants, hard by cutting in half their ability to service customers and further with the cold wave present,…
The Pfizer BioNtech companies announced yesterday they have developed a vaccine that is testing at a 90% affective rate. The vaccine must be administered twice and takes 28 days to get results. Many questions are unanswered such as when did the testing start, and how long has testing been going…