Pet Of The Week – Tweedle
Today, November first weather is expected to arrive with a winter like storm including rain and snow at higher elevations. Today is predicted to receive A1/4 to A1/2 inch of rain over the greater Sacramento area. Rain expectation drops to 20% on Wednesday but temperatures will be lower than expected.…
A man was attacked while visiting his deceased wifeas Auburn District Cemetery grave earlier this month. The suspect allegedly assaulted two other victims and led deputies on a foot chase into highway traffic before being arrested. The first victim, making a daily visit to his wifeas grave at the Auburn…
Sacramento county and city council and supervisors approved yesterday 35 million dollars to build some 800 new units of housing for homeless population present on the streets of Sacramento. Three locations are in the plan and will be added to another 1000 units in the planning stages. Most of these…
Governor Newsom announced yesterday he is lifting the state of emergency declaration on California February 28th, of 2023 which will be phasing out 27 of 600 directors he established. The proclamation and other executive orders signed during the pandemic, after 2 1/2 years will retire the COVID-19 emergency proclamation. Governor…
Applications are being taken for the annual Auburn-area Veterans Day Parade. Veterans, veteran and patriotic groups, and school, charitable and community organizations are encouraged to apply to take part in the parade, which steps off at 10:50 a.m. Friday, Nov. 11, along the usual parade route in Auburn. Disabled veterans…