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Rocklin Unified Facing 3.3 Million Budget Crisis!

Rocklin Unified Facing 3.3 Million Budget Crisis!

The city of Rocklin is discussing major cuts in their school programs due to a major budget gap of 3.3 million dollars. The district says the deficit is due to increased pension costs and that it received less funding than projected by the state. The district is also is projecting…

Many Displaced By Yuba Apartment Fire!

Many Displaced By Yuba Apartment Fire!

About 70 people were forced out of their residences in Yuba City yesterday afternoon after a fire broke out in a large apartment complex. Fire officials reported nine apartments were destroyed but have not determined the cause. PG&E has shut off gas and electricity to the complex which may affect…

City Council Discusses 1 % Sales Tax Increase!

City Council Discusses 1 % Sales Tax Increase!

Auburn City Council meeting last night had a lively discussion on proposals that have been brought fourth requesting consideration of a 1% sales tax rate increase. Mayor Bill Kirby talking at Meddlers this morning said there were several attendees that came to the meeting opposing any increase but left as…

Rocklin Report Smash and Grab Car Break Ins!

Rocklin Report Smash and Grab Car Break Ins!

Rocklin police reported 25 vehicle break-in incidents on Saturday. Police report that a aSmash and Graba ring is targeting the Rocklin area, and this is not the first incident like this to be reported in recent months. Reports to police was not much reported theft items from the break ins.…

Sheriff and City Police Get Gun Lockers At Area High Schools!

Sheriff and City Police Get Gun Lockers At Area High Schools!

An agreement was crafted recently between the Placer Union High School District and the Placer County Sheriff and Auburn Police that will provide a place to store weapons on campus in an effort to bolster increased safety to local students. The document stated that the school district would purchase a…

2nd Ski death at Tahoe in a week!

2nd Ski death at Tahoe in a week!

Another death has been reported from a Ski resort in Lake Tahoe. 36-year old Christopher John Nicholson of South Lake Tahoe, a ski patrolman, was found unconscious on Mott Canyon on Heavenly Ski Resort. Douglas County Nevada Sheriffas reported that Nicholson was flown by helicopter to Carson Valley Medical Center…

Tesla Airconditioners To Be Manufactured At Auburn Airport

Tesla Airconditioners To Be Manufactured At Auburn Airport

Auburn City Mayor Bill Kirby reported at meddlers this morning that a new company has leased space at the Auburn Airport and plans to create a manufacturing facility to make air conditioners for the Tesla Electric Automobile which is manufactured at Freemont. Air International plans to hire 35 employees for…

11-year-old Placerville Boy Found Dead-called suspicious!

11-year-old Placerville Boy Found Dead-called suspicious!

The 11-year-old Placerville boy, Roman Anthony Lopez, who was reported missing from his home on Saturday and found dead Sunday is still under investigation. The Placerville police department has released the statement that there is no public safety threat in that community as a result of this incident. Authorities said…

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