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CalTrans workers seen on 49!

CalTrans workers seen on 49!

Cal Trans crews are now visible on highway 49, preparing for work to begin on a two-year project of adding sidewalks, bike lanes, altering signals and repaving starting at the Auburn City Hall on Lincoln way to Bell Road in North Auburn. The beginning of construction, scheduled June 17th, will…

Dahle Wins Senate Seat!

Dahle Wins Senate Seat!

Brian Dahle has been declared the winner in the special election for the California Senate 1st District. At close of evening, Dahle had a 6-point lead with 69,976 votes to Kileyas 62,209. This gave Dahle 53.1% to 46.9% for Kiley, pushing him over the 50% target to win. Kiley conceded…

Another Drowning On American Confluence Tuesday!

Another Drowning On American Confluence Tuesday!

Placer County Sheriffas were called to the confluence shortly after 5 pm yesterday in response to a call that a young man was in the river and in stress. Deputies arrived on the scene along with Helicopter Support and the man was in the river but hanging onto a tree.…

On the 4th, Drones Replace Fireworks?

On the 4th, Drones Replace Fireworks?

The State of California State Fair is making a dramatic change this year. The traditional fireworks is moving to a high tech solution with Drones, synced to music that will light up the skies and create a light show that is environmentally safer. Several shows were transformed last year to…

Placer Grand Jury FINAL Report!

Placer Grand Jury FINAL Report!

The Placer County Grand Jury final report and recommendations for 2018-2019 has been officially submitted to the Superior Court of Placer. A The final report contains 8 individual reports of activity, investigation, findings and recommendations. One of the reports, the investigation into the water connection refund at the City of…

Vandals Hit Downtown Auburn State Theater and Church/Reading Room!

Vandals Hit Downtown Auburn State Theater and Church/Reading Room!

Unknown vandals struck downtown Auburn overnight early Friday spraying some graffiti on one side of the State Theater, and tearing down plastic letters from the Christian Science Reading Room and Church on Lincoln Way. A wood carving, one of two were at the doors of A Gelene Sorrentinoa s Clinical…

Power outages approved!

Power outages approved!

California regulators on Thursday approved allowing utilities to cut off electricity to possibly hundreds of thousands of customers to avoid catastrophic wildfires like the one sparked by power lines last year that killed 85 people and largely destroyed the city of Paradise. Utilities’ liability can reach billions of dollars, and…

Dial 211 Coming To Placer County!

Dial 211 Coming To Placer County!

We reported here on KAHI NEWS Wednesday morning with Supervisor Jim Holmes that a new 211 online and information telephone system is in the works and funded by the county of Placer. 211, a 24/7 nationwide system, provides users with free connection to resources ranging from disaster aid to health…

Gas Tax Being Spent On Bile Lanes!

Gas Tax Being Spent On Bile Lanes!

The addition of bike lanes in Sacramento is being highlighted today for two reasons, one it takes away vehicles lanes in already over loaded traffic streets, and secondly the funds that are being used to create the bike lanes is coming from the gas tax that was raised two years…

Old State Owned Buildings Up For Sale?

Old State Owned Buildings Up For Sale?

The California Department of General Services, responsible for the state owned buildings throughout the state is presenting a plan to sell many of the buildings that are outside the city of Sacramento due to aging, and state of repair. The plan would take 18 months to accomplish and requires legislature…

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