Posted on May 10, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The Placer County Grand Jury is an investigatory body with the authority to act as a watchdog on local government, investigate citizen complaints, and assist in criminal matters at the request of the district attorney. Grand jurors are sworn to secrecy and, other than final reports, their work is kept…
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Posted on May 8, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Placer County Sheriff A searchers found the body of 56-year old David Wayne Johnson of Sacramento, downstream in the American river Sunday. He was lost on Saturday when the raft he was in flipped over in the cold and swift waters near Colfax. A woman also in the raft was…
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Posted on May 8, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
A small single engine Cessna high wing airplane flipped upside down as it came in for a landing at the Auburn Airport yesterday afternoon. The pilot was reportedly practicing touch and go landings when the plane appeared to have stalled and then the front wheel caught the grass at the…
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Posted on May 2, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
A second one day strike by the Sacramento City Teachers Association has been announced for May 22. The union stated Yesterday at a press conference that the first on day strike on April 11 was successful and achieved putting pressure on the Sacramento City Unified School District to finally acknowledge…
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Posted on May 2, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The Sacramento City Council approved the mayor Steinberg proposal to take 47 million dollars out of the hotel tax revenue budget and revitalize the Old Town water front. The plan calles for several enhancements and additions such as a lawn, concert stage, rooftop bars, an interactive water fountain and other…
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Posted on May 1, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The 46 names released yesterday by the Sacramento Catholic Diocese of clergy that performed sexual abuse activity against several victims within the Diocese over the last 70 years are reported to immune from legal prosecution. Some of the victims are going public on media expressing frustration at not having their…
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Posted on April 30, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
A new bill has been introduced, Senate 625, which would require buses, limousines and cabs to provide drivers of these public transportation vehicles to have separate ventilated space to protect them from passengers that smoke cannabis when on tours or other events. Drivers that test positive could lose their licenses,…
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Posted on April 30, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
AB 372 which would allow state workers to bring their infants into the workplace, was working through the assembly last week, and passed the Public Employment and Retirement Committee. Lawmakers raised several concerns as the bill was in hearing last like how to implement such a program, parents not using…
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Posted on April 26, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
V A third case of measles has been confirmed in Sacramento County. All three cases are in one family which was notified a day earlier that two children in the family has been exposed to the virus. The Sacramento health department said it was confirmed the children were un-vaccinated and…
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Posted on April 26, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Sacramento-Roseville has been ranked as the 5th in rank of US cities that have high rates of Ozone, Year around particle pollution, and short term particle pollution. The report, issued by the American Lung Association, in its 20th edition, listed three California cities with high levels of smog, and soot,…
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