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Suspect in Murder Of 60 year old El Dorado County Woman!

Suspect in Murder Of 60 year old El Dorado County Woman!

The El Dorado Sheriffas office announced yesterday they have found a suspect in the December 18th Murder of 60-year Helen Hoover McKinney. Sheriffas found her dead from blunt force trauma on Dec 18th in her home. An investigation found no forced entry, but her vehicle was missing and then found…

Auburn Police Arrest 24 year old after sending sexual images to 15 year old Auburn Girl!

Auburn Police Arrest 24 year old after sending sexual images to 15 year old Auburn Girl!

Auburn police have arrested a man they say sent sexual images to a 15-year-old local girl. She reported the incidences to local Auburn police of the interactions. A press release from the Auburn Police said that 24-year-old Ulises Torres was arrested on suspicion of sending sexual images to minors. His…

Elderly Roseville Couple Homeless After Standoff!

Elderly Roseville Couple Homeless After Standoff!

  An elderly Roseville Couple have become homeless following a police standoff at their home involving their son earlier this week.A Bronson Kelly, a 44-year-old that was on probation for weapons violation, was visited by Roseville Police and Sacramento Sheriffas Probation officers earlier this week. Kelly barricaded himself inside the…

Sacramento Unified Schools Lose Bond Ratings!

Sacramento Unified Schools Lose Bond Ratings!

The Sacramento City Unified School District announced yesterday that their bonds have been downgraded to near rock bottom ratings. The ratings come from Standard and Pooras agency and are a result of the district announcing they expect to run out of money in November this year. The district has reporting…

24 Cents a Gallon Surcharge in California and No One Knows Why?

24 Cents a Gallon Surcharge in California and No One Knows Why?

Nineteen Democrats have sent a letter to the state Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, asking he lead an investigation into a surcharge on California gasoline that no one can explain. The charge was 2 cents a gallon from 2000 through 2014 then following the Torrance refinery fire in 2015, the charge…

Davis Police Not Giving Up Dash Cam or Body Cam on Officer Killing!

Davis Police Not Giving Up Dash Cam or Body Cam on Officer Killing!

The Davis Police Department is refusing to release body cam footage of the shooting of officer Natalie Corona who was shot and killed while investigating a three-car accident in down town Davis on January 10th. The Sacramento Bee requested a dash cam and body cam of the incident. Gov. Brown…

PRIDE Proposal would Hire Homeless!

PRIDE Proposal would Hire Homeless!

Sacramento County is negotiating a contract with PRIDE industries that could hire select homeless people, provide them training and put them to work to clean out homeless camps along the American River Parkway. The agreement will be presented for approval today to the Sacramento Board of Supervisors. The program will…

Illegal Side-shows in North Sacramento Saturday!

Illegal Side-shows in North Sacramento Saturday!

CHP officers had their hands full Saturday night in North Sacramento as over 200 cars participated in illegal Sideshows. First they were called to Antelope and Watt Avenue with helicopters and multi-agency responding. They witnessed over 100 people gathered to watch as they attempted to get it stopped and arrested…

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