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Another Placer High Coach Benched!

Another Placer High Coach Benched!

Placer High School has placed another sport coach on administrative leave. Assistant Coach Megan Montoya was missing as the Girls Soccer team played Oakmont high. CBS News in Sacramento tried to get answers from the district and school but no returned calls. A TV Team went to Montoyaas home and…

Security Employee Gets Fired After Assisting Placer County Sheriffs Arrest Fleeing Bad Guy!

Security Employee Gets Fired After Assisting Placer County Sheriffs Arrest Fleeing Bad Guy!

A Story we carried last week about a security guard at a Roseville Store helped Sheriff Deputies secure a felon wanted in Nevada who punched a deputy and ran away while being arrested has taken a new twist.A The security guard was an employee of Best Buy and seeing the…



  PG&E, The Stateas largest utility has officially filed for Bankruptcy, as of 12:01 AM today. Other PG&E Stories: PG&E, in its continuing assessment of how to navigate the future, announced on Friday they would not renew its federal license for two hydroelectric dams in the Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project…

Eligibility Error Costs Placer County School Championship Wins!

Eligibility Error Costs Placer County School Championship Wins!

Del Oroas Senior Football Coach called a mandatory meeting of his team to a special meeting yesterday afternoon and announced the school was volunteering to return the 2018 Sac-Joaquin Section Division pennant and CIF Northern Division I-A trophy to the stateas governing offices. Jeff Waters explained to his astonished team…

Solar Companies Scared of PG&E Bankruptcy Can Alter High Yeild Contracts!

Solar Companies Scared of PG&E Bankruptcy Can Alter High Yeild Contracts!

There is more legal movement in the PG&E filing for bankruptcy to protect it from the massive lawsuits that have been filed against the utility who has been accused of starting major wild fires in northern California in the past three years. NextEra Energy Inc, the worlds largest wind and…

Groundbreaking for new Sports Center in Roseville!

Groundbreaking for new Sports Center in Roseville!

Officials of Placer County broke ground yesterday morning on a new sporting event center in Roseville. The 32-million-dollar 160 thousand square foot complex will be located on the former Fairgrounds on Washington Blvd. In Roseville. The facility will house 7000 fans for scheduled events and is expected to generate 12…

Snowbound Teens Rescued in Sierra!

Snowbound Teens Rescued in Sierra!

v Placer County Search and Rescue teams along with deputies and a deployed snow cat January 20th and responded to a 5 am call from a cell phone reporting that a local couple had become snowbound in the Sierra, near the China Wall recreation area, and were in serious trouble.…

Sacramento Rail Yards To Be Come Active!

Sacramento Rail Yards To Be Come Active!

Sacramento City Officials announced a series of development ideas and projects for the Railyards property. A soccer Franchise was one, Kaiser Permanenteas future medical center was another, plus a 53-State courtroom building to house criminal and civil divisions will be nearby at 6th and G streets. Funds for this development…

Roseville Police Go Aerial!

Roseville Police Go Aerial!

Roseville police have announced they are training a Drone Team that will use aerial flying cameras to support their daily fighting of crime in the city. The goal, according to police officials, is to improve search and rescue operations, find missing persons faster, and be more efficient at processing crime…

Erin Brockovich In Sacramento Protesting PG&E Bankruptcy

Erin Brockovich In Sacramento Protesting PG&E Bankruptcy

Environmental activist lawyer Erin Brockovich was in Sacramento yesterday lending her famous name in support for campfire survivors struggling to get compensation from PG&E, Californiaas largest utility, for losses in the worst wild fire disaster in California history. The famous attorney was publicly calling on the stateas new governor, Gavin…

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