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Population in CA nears 40 Million!

Population in CA nears 40 Million!

California’s population has grown by 215,000 people and is now just short of 40 million. Data released on Friday shows the state’s population has reached 39.8 million as of July 1, 2018. Government officials said increase in population is primarily due to a higher number of births than deaths, but…

Placer County Property In Illegal Pot Manufacturing Ring!

Placer County Property In Illegal Pot Manufacturing Ring!

Sacramento Real Estate Business Owner from Elk Grove and another man from Riverside have been arrested charged with Money Laundering and marijuana manufacturing conspiracy. A The case involves a Placer County property located on North Forth Road between Auburn and Lincoln. Authorities say over two thousand plants were discovered inside…

No Text Tax, FCC Overrules PUC!

No Text Tax, FCC Overrules PUC!

The California State legislature announced today they will not go forward with a proposed fee for California residents that text on their IPhones. This proposal was floated last week by the Public Utilities Commission and reported by the state press as going to happen at a vote in January. A…

New Truck Lane Opens On I-80 East Of Colfax!

New Truck Lane Opens On I-80 East Of Colfax!

  CalTrans opened a Truck Lane 2 A1/2 miles long East of Colfax on the eastbound lane of Inner state 80. The project is 90 % complete but construction has been shut down for the winter and will be completed in the spring. Retaining wall and slope work remains, and…

Shooting at AR Satellite College, One Dead!

Shooting at AR Satellite College, One Dead!

A shooting took place last night at the Natomas Center Satellite campus of the American River College. One person is dead and the shooter is being hunted by Sacramento Police who believe the shooter left the campus in a vehicle. The shooting was reported at about 6 PM in front…

Butte Fire Clean Up Cost Three Billion $!

Butte Fire Clean Up Cost Three Billion $!

State Officials released the opinion yesterday that the Clean up activity from the Butte County wild fire disaster that wiped out 14,000 homes and killed 86, will cost 3 billion dollars to clean up the debris. California office of emergency services said they learned a lot on the clean up…

New Placer County Court Room Opens!

New Placer County Court Room Opens!

Placer County Superior Court and the county announced the opening of a new Department 20 county courtroom at the Bill Santucci Justice Center in Roseville.A The official opening was yesterday. With this opening, department 13 which has been located in Auburn will now be closed permanently.…

California Fire Season Over!

California Fire Season Over!

Cal Fire has declared an end to the 2018 fire season as of today, December 10.A Cal fire announced they will transition staff to fire prevention efforts with fuel management, controlled burns and education for the winter season.A Also Cal fire said they will maintain a high level of staff…

POT Home Delivery Coming To A Neighborhood New You!

POT Home Delivery Coming To A Neighborhood New You!

California regulators ruled marijuana deliveries can be made across the state, even in areas that ban cannabis businesses. Three California agenciesA released proposed regulations Friday for the stateas marijuana industry, including deliveries. Itas a move that could face lawsuits. Some cities in our area arenat too happy about the proposed…

AMGEN Kicks Off In Sacramento Again!

AMGEN Kicks Off In Sacramento Again!

The annual Amgen Tour of California has announced that Sacramento will be hosting the first stage of the 2019 tour. This yearas race will cover 750 miles from Sacramento to the finish line at Pasadena.A Several Sacramento region cities will be playing a part in the menas race: Stage 1…

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