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Dead Count Now 56-Missing 130 in Camp Fire!

Dead Count Now 56-Missing 130 in Camp Fire!

The fatal count has risen to 56 from the Camp Fire in Butte County. Officialas report 8 more bodies were found yesterday as deputy dogs and forensic officers continue to patrol the burned out streets of Paradise.A Butte County Sheriffas office say there are 130 names still on the missing…

Placer High Student Killed In Auto Accident Tuesday!

Placer High Student Killed In Auto Accident Tuesday!

The Placer County Sheriffas office has identified the victim of a fatal crash on I-80 as 16 year old placer high school student Joelle Cherelyn Lindbloom.A The Crash took place at 7:15 am Tuesday between Auburn and Colfax on I-80 at the Heather Glen over crossing. The vehicle left the…

El Dorado County Goes To Pot!

El Dorado County Goes To Pot!

El Dorado County voters approved selling and cultivation of commercial marijuana. The new measures allow the county to issue permits for a maximum of 150 cultivation sites in rural and agricultural areas, as well as up to seven permits each for recreational and medical dispensaries. El Dorado will be one…

PG&E Maybe Responsible For Campfire!

PG&E Maybe Responsible For Campfire!

Fire officials are saying PG&E might be responsible for the Campfire Wildfire that has technically wiped out the community of Paradise. Channel 13 is reporting they obtained a report that PG&E described a power outage incident at 6:15 am Thursday on the Caribu-Palermo 115 KV transmission line in Butte County.…

New Gov. Says He Will Re-address Gun Laws!

New Gov. Says He Will Re-address Gun Laws!

Governor Gavin Newsom announced yesterday, following the mass shooting in Southern California, he will re-address the gun control laws and revisit some of the bills on gun control that were vetoes by current Governor Jerry Brown. He declined to name specifics but he did indicate he was open to examining…

Kings Say Develop Sleep Train Arena!

Kings Say Develop Sleep Train Arena!

The Sacramento Kings have revealed their own plans for the Sleep Train arena area which is contrast to the reported relocation of the Sacramento Zoo which was announced earlier this week. The Kings want to build a 1.18 million square feet commercial area and two thousand residential units on the…

Four Found At Regional Park OD!

Four Found At Regional Park OD!

Four transients were found in an over dose condition by Placer County Deputies Wednesday at the Auburn Recreation Districtas Regional Park of Dry Creek Road. The group had been given a white powder like substance and told it was cocaine. Within a few minutes, all four were unresponsive. Deputies admininstered…

Pollock Pines Family Escape Home Fire!

Pollock Pines Family Escape Home Fire!

A Pollock Pines family narrowly escaped disaster Tuesday night when Lisa Marghella was awakened by her husband yelling at her to get out. The couple lived in the Sly Park Road home with a 10 year old son and several pets. There were also two visitors in the home at…

Sacramento Capitol Gets Christmas Holiday Tree!

Sacramento Capitol Gets Christmas Holiday Tree!

The state capitol Christmas tree is being delivered today. The 65 foot tree was cut down by CalFire from a forest near Redding and was escorted down highway 5 by the CHP. The official tree will be erected before noon and will stand for a few days before the decorations…

27 Vehicles Vandalized at Auburn Toyota!

27 Vehicles Vandalized at Auburn Toyota!

Placer County Sheriffas office is searching for the suspects that broke into the Auburn Magnussonas Toyota Auto Dealership on highway 49 last Tuesday night. The suspects cut through chains and removed stereos, car batteries, and dash boards from vehicles on the lot. Detectives say there were fingerprints left behind. Damage…

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