Posted on September 20, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Sacramento County has suspended enforcement of its no camping policy after an appeals court ruling against the city of Boise. Sacramento County Supervisor Susan Peters says the county stopped enforcing the ordinance against camping without a permit after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with six homeless people…
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Posted on September 19, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The City of Roseville Police Department is reporting serious problems with a new radio dispatch system that was recently installed. The city had the option of using the Sacramento Police system, or the Placer County system but decided to install a new system specifically for their own use. The New…
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Posted on September 19, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Amazon is building a second center in the city of Stockton, in an existing facility, near the airport. Officials announced Monday of the proposed center, and they expect to add 1000 jobs when fully functional. This facility will be one of the largest the company will operate and be over…
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Posted on September 18, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The State Emergency Services approved funding for positioning a fire strike team to be positioned in Nevada County last week as a program to attempt to have ready crews and fire equipment positioned into an area that has high potential of a wildfire. The crew and equipment were staged at…
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Posted on September 18, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Placer Countyas public health officer, Dr. Rob Oldham along with the Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District, are reminding residents to continue to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites, after several human cases of West Nile virus and one death linked to the disease. While West Nile activity typically begins…
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Posted on September 15, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The traditional Auburn Cruise Night closes for the 2018 season tonight. This climaxes 34 years of precision arrival on Lincoln Way late in the afternoon of a Friday, with hundreds of cars and visitors that enjoy the walk, food, and visits with old and new friends. Lincoln way will close…
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Posted on September 15, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
A major fortune 500 health insurer, Centene, has closed escrow on a major new corporate campus in North Notomas and plans to increase its current work force from 3000 to over 5000 employees, making it one of the largest private employeers in the region. A Sacramento city leaders signed aA…
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Posted on September 14, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
CalTrans officials say they are attempting to fill 1000 jobs throughout the state. With unemployment at an all time low, these positions are not filling up fast enough to keep up with the demand facing CalTrans with long lines to service customers, and also process the paper flows, computer processes,…
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Posted on September 14, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Caltrans crews will again close lanes on Interstate 5 through Sacramento this week for emergency repairs after two sections of the freeway crumbled last month and potholes damaged several dozen vehicles. The night closures will allow the state to finish replacing 400 concrete slabs along a 10-mile stretch that investigators…
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Posted on September 14, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The Apple Store in the Galleria Shopping Center in Roseville was again hit by aGrab and Goa Thieves for the third time in four days for a total of over 37 thousand dollars worth of merchandise. A Police, acting on information from shoppers, quickly reacted and after a high speed…
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