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I-5 Inspection and Repair Over Holiday!

I-5 Inspection and Repair Over Holiday!

One of the busiest holiday weekends of the year, Labor Day weekend, will be hindered by a partial closure of interstate highway 5 in Sacramento so crews can repair and inspect the surface that has been marred by potholes and breaks over the past month. I-5 northbound lanes at Richardson…

Redding CARR Fire Contained!

Redding CARR Fire Contained!

One of the most destructive wild fires in California history has been declared fully contained.A The Carr Fire, destroying more than 1000 homes in the Redding California area killed 8 people burned 38 days, and destroyed 229,651 acres and is classified as the 6th most destructive fire in history. A…

You Meed To Be 21 to Buy A Rifle In California!

You Meed To Be 21 to Buy A Rifle In California!

The state legislature sent a bill to Gov. Brown yesterday that will alter gun buying in California. The age limit to purchase a gun in Ca will raise to 21 from the current 18. SB 1100 will make California one of the toughtest gun control states in the union. This…

42 Years Passing Burgers Through The Drive Through!

42 Years Passing Burgers Through The Drive Through!

The First McDonaldas restaurant, build and opened 42 years ago, became the center of a demolition machine yesterday morning as the Auburn Icon started to hit the dust. The McDonald’s restaurant was built in 1976 only 3 years after the Forest Hill Bridge was opened to traffic. The Forest Hill…

Colfax Parolee Arrested For Elder Abuse and Identity Theft!

Colfax Parolee Arrested For Elder Abuse and Identity Theft!

A Colfax parolee has been arrested and charged with elder abuse, and stolen identity after a 59 year old woman reported that her room-mate had taken her credit card and driveras license and then charged 900 dollars on her credit card. 41 year old Jonathan League was arrested by Placer…

El Dorado County Sheriff’s Looking For Person That May Have Mexican Drug Cartel Ties!

El Dorado County Sheriff’s Looking For Person That May Have Mexican Drug Cartel Ties!

The search is on for a suspect in a murder that may be linked to a Mexican drug cartel, the El Dorado County Sheriffas Office said on Tuesday. Investigators are searching for Jesus Martin Munoz Castroa23 of Sinaloa Mexicoaa week after a manas body was found on the side of…

Medical Pot for Kids In School!

Medical Pot for Kids In School!

A bill passed on Monday and sent to the Governor would give some California Parents permission to give their children medical marijuana on school campuses. A Gov. Jerry Brown has agreed to restore the voting rights of convicted felons serving time in county jails. The bill that Brown announced signing…

Rocklin Teachers Seeking Parent Support!

Rocklin Teachers Seeking Parent Support!

Rocklin Teachers Professional Association took their message on wage increase demands to the public last night by demonstrating and held signs outside of the Rocklin High School during the high school back to school night. The Teachers are attempting to gain support from parents since their talks with the administration…

Gov. Gives Some Prisoners Right To Vote!

Gov. Gives  Some Prisoners Right To Vote!

Gov. Jerry Brown has agreed to restore the voting rights of convicted felons serving time in county jails. The bill that Brown announced signing Wednesday also reinstates the voting eligibility of felons on probation or under community supervision beginning next year. It does not affect those in state or federal…

Lawmakers Move Legislation on PG&E Liability!

Lawmakers Move Legislation on PG&E Liability!

  California utilities regulators would have the option of letting power companies charge their customers for some of the costs of lawsuits stemming from disastrous 2017 wildfires under legislation that will go before the Assembly and Senate this week. After weeks of meetings, a legislative conference committee advanced its final…

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