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Union School District Graduation Planned for June!

Union School District Graduation Planned for June!

The Placer Union High School District Superintendent Dr. George S. Sziraki notified families and staff of its intent to hold a graduation ceremony in July for its Class of 2020. Social separation and no groups of more than 50 will be allowed during the ceremony. 87% of seniors voted to…

10 Residents and 4 staff test Positive for Virus, non had symptoms!

10 Residents and 4 staff test Positive for Virus, non had symptoms!

Mid-Placer County COVID-19 cases spiked this week, in part to cases at Auburn Ravine Terrace, the only reporting facility that had positive COVID-19 cases in Placer County, reporting 10 residents and 4 staff reporting positive for the COVID-19 virus. David Napierskie, vice president of health care operations for Retirement Housing…

COVID 19 Testing Stations Open!

COVID 19 Testing Stations Open!

New COVID-19 testing sites are accepting appointments now, as of yesterday, in Kings Beach and Roseville. An additional site is planned for Grass Valley in neighboring Nevada County. Visit https://lhi.care/covidtesting (or call 1-888-634-1123 during business hours) to see if you are eligible for a test and make an appointment. In…

Dowdin To Run For Open City Council!

Dowdin To Run For Open City Council!

The open city council seat which was held by recent Mayor Bill Kirby is in the process of getting applications from anyone interested filed by Thursday so it can be ready for Monday nightas meeting of the City Council where they will discussed. A special meeting will be scheduled later…

Auburn Biz To Start Opening Friday?

Auburn Biz To Start Opening Friday?

Meetings are being held between city officials and county staff and leaders as they discuss and make plans to open all business in the city and county hopefully by Friday. Gov. Newsom passed the process as Phase II and opening for many business and services. To open merchants must have…

PCSO Deputies issed 20 citations to traspassers On Forest Hill Bridge!

PCSO Deputies issed 20 citations to traspassers On Forest Hill Bridge!

Placer County Sheriffas are reporting they have issued 20 citations to individuals that have been trespassing on parts of the Foresthill Bridge over the last two weeks. The bridge at 720 feet above the ground, it is the highest California and 4th highest bridge in the USA. Trespassers have been…

Ca. Gov. Backs Off on All Beaches and Zeros in on Orange County!

Ca. Gov. Backs Off on All Beaches and Zeros in on Orange County!

After Gov. Newsom alerted police and other government officals that he plans to sign a “close” order on parks and beaches yesterday he narrowed the order to only beaches in Orange County where the crowding occurred last weekend. The county has stated they plan to stay open and will file…

Placer County Stay @ Home order expires today, now under state order.

Placer County Stay @ Home order expires today, now under state order.

Dr. Sisson announced yesterday that the Placer County “Stay at Home” order will expire today, Friday, May 1st. 2020. Placer county will now fall under the state order. Sacramento County extends their order until May 22, 2020.…

Gov. Presents Plan To Give Millions To Feed Elderly!

Gov. Presents Plan To Give Millions To Feed Elderly!

Gov. Newsom presented a plan on Friday to feed seniors that qualify, three meals a day prepared by local restaurants, during the coronavirus pandemic, an initiative that could pump billions of dollars into a devastated industry while generating sales tax collections for cash-strapped local governments. California has about 5.7 million…

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