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Placer County Superior Court Now Accepts Electronic Filings!

Placer County Superior Court Now Accepts Electronic Filings!

The Placer County Superior Court announced Monday, April 6, 2020, they now have the ability to accept filings through eDelivery for parties in Civil, Small Claims, Family Law, Probate and Criminal cases. The process is available on the Court’s WEB site at www.placer.courts.ca.gov.…

Yearly PG&E State Mandated Climate Reducing Credit Coming This Month!

Yearly PG&E State Mandated Climate Reducing Credit Coming This Month!

PG&E announced Friday that the State Mandated Climate Reducing Credit will be applied to Customer bills in April. The timing may help customers who in the state are in a aStay at homea order may see usage of gas and electric increase. The credit amounts will credit natural gas customers…

KINGS Giving Back! Go KINGS!

KINGS Giving Back! Go KINGS!

The Sacramento Kings have donated their former practice facility in Natomas to support the local community and will allow it to be used as a surge field hospital for treatment of patients that have become infective with the COVID 19 virus. The facility is located next door to the former…

Cover Your Face With Cloth When In Public!

Cover Your Face With Cloth When In Public!

The Placer County Health Officer publicly announced Friday on the county web page, a recommendation that all county residents do not leave their home without proper face protection. This announcement did not mention Face masks since this could cause a panic rush on face masks and deny the medical unit…

Bernie Schroder, Auburn City Director of Planning and Public Works Fired Last Week!

Bernie Schroder, Auburn City Director of Planning and Public Works Fired Last Week!

The case of the Auburn City Director of planning and public works, Bernie Schroder, being fired last week by the city of Auburn, is focusing, as the facts are becoming more available to the public. Schroder had a 33 year career with the City of Auburn, and last week was…

Lists by City Hall of Business Status During Virus!

Lists by City Hall of Business Status During Virus!

Auburn City Hall has issued lists of Businesses and their status of open for business with hours, WEB site, phone and location. Here is the link: https://www.auburn.ca.gov/500/COVID-19-Information?fbclid=IwAR05yhPzzWElfC454moTTxLyVEnHvh8YC3Jlvy5n84e-drJ-1zYva1rH_Xk#liveEditTab_widgets…

Gov. On Unemployment and COVID 19!

Gov. On Unemployment and COVID 19!

Gov. Newsome at his daily briefing yesterday said the state has 1.6 million unemployed workers now that have filed for unemployment insurance. Californiaas steeply climbing unemployment numbers reflect an economy brought to a standstill by the stateas stay-at-home orders that have confined many to their homes and forced businesses deemed…

Home Depot and Costco Adjust Starting Friday!

Home Depot and Costco Adjust Starting Friday!

Home Depot stores are going to restrict the number of customers that can enter their stores starting Friday. The chain also announced they will shorten their hours and close at 6:00 PM. Thermometers will be distributed throughout the stores, and employees will be asked to perform health checks each time…

Gov. Releases 21 Inmates!

Gov. Releases 21 Inmates!

Gov. Newsom has followed through on one of his beliefs and has commuted the sentence of 21 California prison inmates including 10 that had been convicted of homicide. The Gov. said he had been considering the release for some time even before the COVID 19 virus, but Public Health Officials…

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