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PG&E CEO Bill Johnson Speaks, everyone mad!

PG&E CEO Bill Johnson Speaks, everyone mad!

PG&E continues to dominate the news. CEO Bill Johnson is being highly criticized at some of his public statements about the handling of the blackouts that occurred four times in October. Friday, he said to struggling California people they still have their houses because of the blackouts. This has sparked…

California v.s. Washington, D.C.

California v.s. Washington, D.C.

President Trump Sunday Tweeter-attacked the top political powers in California, specifically Gov. Newsom and US Congressman Adam Schiff for mismanagement of the forests and mismanagement of water distribution policies as the cause of major wildfire damage in California. The California politicians quickly responded with anger saying that the recent wildfires…

NID Discussing Take Over Of PG&E Transmission In Their Area!

NID Discussing Take Over Of PG&E Transmission In Their Area!

The Nevada Irrigation District meet last week and discussed the possibility of taking over the PG&E distribution system in their district. This is just one discussion of many that are talking place throughout the state by frustrated power users that are disgusted at the management and execution of the four…

Christmas Is In The Air!

Christmas Is In The Air!

The Old Sacramento waterfront Christmas tree is to be delivered on November 4th and placed on K Street between Front and 2nd.A The 62-foot tree is scheduled to have the official lighting ceremony November 27th. The City of Auburnas yearly Festival of Lights parade is scheduled, rain of shine, Saturday…

Blackout Spoiled Food Drop Off At Recology Till Sunday!

Blackout Spoiled Food Drop Off At Recology Till Sunday!

Placer County Environmental Utilities and Recology Auburn Placer are opening free disposal sites this weekend to drop-off spoiled food resulting from all the power outages. The option lets people dispose of food at the transfer station instead of waiting days for garbage service to pick it up. According to Placer…

Four Now In El Dorado Jail For Sheriff Killing!

Four Now In El Dorado Jail For Sheriff Killing!

A fourth person has been arrested and charged in the pot farm event in EL Dorado County last Wednesday, October 23, that resulted in the killing of a county sheriff detective. Deputy Brian Ishmael was responding to a 911 call placed by the farm owner Christopher Ross, who has been…

California Returns To Standard Time Nov. 3rd!

California Returns To Standard Time Nov. 3rd!

With the fall-back change of time from daylight savings time to standard time approaching in less than two weeks, California residents are wondering if the Assembly bill # 7 which was passed earlier this year stating that year around daylight savings time could be adopted by the legislature, will happen.…

Sac Airport Opens Renovated Runway, Back To Normal!

Sac Airport Opens Renovated Runway, Back To Normal!

Sacramento International Airport opened its West runway yesterday after a 6 month closure for renovations, upgrades and a new cement surface. The runway was built with asphalt when airport opened in 1967. Cost for the upgrades and new surface cost 46.3 million dollars of which 27.4 million came from the…

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