Posted on October 25, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The killing of an El Dorado Sheriff Deputy early on Wednesday took an unexpected turn on Thursday when the El Dorado Sheriff and the county District Attorney announced they had arrested the Pot Farm owner, jailed him, and charged him with involuntary manslaughter. Christopher Garry Ross, age 47, was booked…
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Posted on October 24, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
An 18-year-old Antelope man was killed yesterday morning as a result of a two-vehicle crash between a donut delivery truck and a pickup at North Auburnas New Airport Road and Grass Valley Highway, also known as highway 49. The Placer County Coroneras office released the name of the donut delivery…
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Posted on October 24, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
An El Dorado Sheriff Deputy has been shot and killed early this morning in Somerset. Sheriffs were responding to a call and were confronted by a group of people that started firing at the officers. Deputy Brian Ishmael, a four year veteran of the force, was killed and a ride…
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Posted on October 18, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The Roseville suspect accused of killing four Roseville residents and confessing to the Mount Shasta police to the killings, appeared in Placer County Court Wednesday afternoon. 53-year-old Shankar Hangud sat in silence as he was read his rights. He told the judge he would represent himself several times then accepted…
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Posted on October 18, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Auburn Detectives along with the assistance of the Placer County Sheriffas Office, the Placer County District Attorneyas Office, the Placer County Special Investigations Unit, and other regional law enforcement partners, located the suspect and his vehicle at a residence in Foresthill at approximately 10:50 pm on October 16, 2019. The…
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Posted on October 15, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
School systems in the Northern California area are assessing their aOutagea days based on the recent power outage witnessed last week. Schools then use the following points to help guide them in their closure procedure if they lose power Classroom and campus lighting a is it sufficient for learning and…
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Posted on October 15, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
PG&E announced late Saturday that all Northern California counties and cities had power 100% restored. PG&E CEO Bill Johnson went on television and apologized for the outages and reported that PG&E did not handle the aCrisisa very well. He sighted failure in the companyas information systems, computer systems, and response…
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Posted on October 12, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider, Uncategorized
The Town of Rocklin city council approved Tuesday night a new apartment complex to be built on the Taylor Road location of the old K-MART store. The store was closed and has been vacant for five years. The building will be demolished and a new modern 180 apartment complex will…
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Posted on October 12, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
The Maple Street I-80 off ramp will be closed Saturday morning for aProject Auburna, a spruce up, paint the old Town Firehouse, repaint the street markings, landscape the area from the exit to the Auburn Billboard and other general cleaning and uplifting. The project is part of Auburn City and…
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Posted on October 8, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Gasoline prices at the pump continue to climb. 20 cents increase was reported throughout the state of California. Average price in Sacramento $4.06 a gallon, up 21 cents over a week ago.A California is now averaging $4.18 up from a week ago which was $4.01. The US Average is $2.65.…
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