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Another Wet and Snowy Week!

Another Wet and Snowy Week!

Weather is the big story again this week. Another pacific storm is headed our way and is forecast in the area after 10 am today and lasting through Thursday. The Weather Bureau is warning the system will be Major to Extreme at times with chain controls and road closures expected.…

Cameras on Every School Bus!

Cameras on Every School Bus!

State officials introduced AB 934 and SB 317 yesterday that would install cameras on all school buses, first to monitor inside the bus to attempt to stop bulling and other student disruptions, and external cameras to catch motorists that do not obey and stop when school buses display the stop…

5 Million Ton of Debris in Paradise to Clean up!

5 Million Ton of Debris in Paradise to Clean up!

The massive cleanup has started in Butte County and in the city of Paradise, following the disastrous wildfire that destroyed several thousand homes and businesses last November. 80 percent or nearly 11 thousand property owners have signed right-of-way entry agreements to allow Cal Recycle to start the removal of toxins…

Centene HQ Under Way in Sacramento!

Centene HQ Under Way in Sacramento!

The major 500 healthcare company, Centene, held ground breaking ceremonies yesterday at North Natomas which will become the West Coast headquarters for the major company. The building, already under construction, is on 68 acres south of the Sleep Train Arena. The campus setting will house 5 buildings and will employ…

PG/ PG ?

PG/ PG ?

In a filing before the State PUC commission, PG&E has stated that splitting the company into two separate business, one gas and the other electric, is feasible from a technical and operational perspective since each has its own operational control center. PG&E Gas contributes about one fourth of the utilityas…

Auburn Rite Aid Held Up!

Auburn Rite Aid Held Up!

A man entered the Rite Aid pharmacy in the 400 block of Grass Valley Highway Monday and demanded employeesa hand over prescription drugs. Auburn Police are requesting help from the general public tp arrest this robber. The suspect is a Hispanic male in his 20s, about 5 feet, 6 inches…

PG&E/NID Press Release on Drum Spaulding Project!

PG&E/NID Press Release on Drum Spaulding Project!

To safeguard a primary water delivery system to local communities, the Nevada Irrigation District (NID) and Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) are teaming up to study the long-term feasibility of jointly taking over ownership and/or operation of Pacific Gas & Electricas (PG&E) extensive Drum-Spaulding Project. After PG&E filed for bankruptcy…

Tree Crushes Sheriff’s Car!

Tree Crushes Sheriff’s Car!

A Placer County Deputy had his patrol smashed early Sunday Morning in Dutch Flat. Fortunately, the deputy was not in the vehicle at the time. There were several incidents of trees falling over roadways as the triple winter storm moved through the area starting at the end of last week…

Black Market Pot Sell Most MJ in California!

Black Market Pot Sell Most MJ in California!

Gov. Newsom has proposed that at least 150 California National Guardsmen will be assigned to Northern California to confront the marijuana black market. The guard would join a federally funded counterdrug task force and focus on illicit cannabis activity in Northern California. These troops were assigned to the Mexican border…

CalTrans to Hold Meetings on Highway 49 Improvements!

CalTrans to Hold Meetings on Highway 49 Improvements!

Caltrans is holding a community open house on Feb 20th to discuss plans for safety improvement on highway 49 in Auburn. The event is planned from 5 to 7 PM in the cypress and Planning Commission Rooms at the community Development Resource Center at 3091 County Center Drive in Auburn.…

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