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El Dorado Hills’ Brooke Harris Missing!

El Dorado Hills’ Brooke Harris Missing!

El Dorado Sheriffas office is asking for the publicas help in locating a missing El Dorado Hills woman who has been missing since Valentines day. Brooke Harris, age 49, was last seen in El Dorado Hills. She is described as a white woman, blond hair, green eyes and drives a…

Historical Coloma Church In Bad Shape!

Historical Coloma Church In Bad Shape!

The Emmanuel Church in Coloma, Californiaas first Episcopal church and a major part of California History is in jeopardy of becoming so unsafe it may have toA be torn down. It is estimated the repairs to keep the church safe is 3 million dollars. Local residents, the Burgess Brothers along…

New Gov. Wants Piece of Hi-tech Data Mining Profits!

New Gov. Wants Piece of Hi-tech Data Mining Profits!

Another part of Gov. Newsomas State of the state speech came to surface yesterday as Silicone Valley tech companies digested the gov.as point of asking aides to develop a data dividend for Califoania residents whose personal data is collected and sold by high tech companies based in California. The gov.…

City of Rocklin Files Suit against Legacy Adventures!

City of Rocklin Files Suit against Legacy Adventures!

The city of Rocklin filed a lawsuit in Placer County Superior Court yesterday against Legacy Family Adventures and its President David Busch. Legacy was the company that the City gave a long-term contract to build and operate the Quarry park which was plagued by delays and other problems. An earlier…

Seventeen Year Old Voters?

Seventeen Year Old Voters?

Democratic Assemblyman Evan Low from the Silicon Valley has reintroduced a constitutional amendment that would lower the voting age in California to 17 years of age. The amendment requires two-thirds of the state assembly and voter approval. Last year a similar attempt failed. Lowas office said that this year there…

SCUSD Maybe Audited!

SCUSD Maybe Audited!

Assemblyman Kevin McCartney, D-Sacramento, has requested a adeep Divea audit be made of the Sacramento Unified School District, its finances and decision making process. The School District is facing a 35 million dollar budget gap that must be solved by November to guard against a state take-over of the district.…

Placer County Sheriff Bell Recognizes Two!

Placer County Sheriff Bell Recognizes Two!

Placer County Sheriff Devon Bell presented two persons the aCitizenas Medal of Merita, at a ceremony at Sheriff Headquarters yesterday at Dewitt center in North Auburn. 8-year old Isabel Pierce assisted her gunshot wounded father on Jan 15th on Rock Springs Road in South Placer County when he was shot…

Granite Bay Man Killed Piloting Plane At Diablo!

Granite Bay Man Killed Piloting Plane At Diablo!

A Granite Bay man, Chris De Bar, has been identified by authorities as a pilot in a small plane crash Friday at Mt Diablo. Authorities say a body has been found in the wreckage of a plane they believed crashed Friday night two miles southwest of the peak of Mount…

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