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Auburn RENT SCAM, Don’t Fall For It!

Auburn RENT SCAM, Don’t Fall For It!

AJ is running a story this morning about Craigslist rental scams hitting the Auburn area. The scam works this way: A legit agency posts a home for rent at 1800 dollars a month, the scammer take the exact same post but advertises it at 1000, and gets response, then ask…

FEMA Funded Auburn Firemen To Stay Through Year!

FEMA Funded Auburn Firemen To Stay Through Year!

The City of Auburn has extended contracts for the two firemen that were hired two years ago funded by the Safer Grant from the Federal FEMA organization, until the end of the city fiscal year June 2019. The two positions will be funded from the General Fund until that time.…

Chevy’s Shut Down-Surprise!

Chevy’s Shut Down-Surprise!

Customers and employees alike were surprised this weekend with the abrupt closing of the Chevyas restaurant on highway 49 and New Airport Road in North Auburn.A The restaurant was part of a buyout by a partnership following a filing for bankruptcy in August, and with new management and a cash…

Auburn’s New Police Chief On The Job!

Auburn’s New Police Chief On The Job!

Auburn is releasing pictures of the new city Police Chief. Ryan Kinnan, a member of the Citrus Heights Police Department since 2006, will take the chiefs chair replacing John Ruffcorn who held that position as well as Chief Security Officer with responsibility of both police and fire. Auburn has now…

Rain Coming, Could Bring Mud Slides!

Rain Coming, Could Bring Mud Slides!

Flash-Flood watch has been issued for Northern California in areas that have suffered from major wild fire destruction. Particular mention is the Butte Mountains where the Campfire wildfire has destroyed close to 18 thousand homes and 151 thousand acres of land causing over 50 thousand people to evacuate their homes.A…

Sacramento County Says No More FREE Masks!

Sacramento County Says No More FREE Masks!

The Sacramento County Public Health Officer issued a rule change yesterday to no longer provide free face masks to residents of the county and city of Sacramento. The statement issued by the county says the public health senior officer does not advise using masks because it may encourage more outside…

Dead Count Now 56-Missing 130 in Camp Fire!

Dead Count Now 56-Missing 130 in Camp Fire!

The fatal count has risen to 56 from the Camp Fire in Butte County. Officialas report 8 more bodies were found yesterday as deputy dogs and forensic officers continue to patrol the burned out streets of Paradise.A Butte County Sheriffas office say there are 130 names still on the missing…

Placer High Student Killed In Auto Accident Tuesday!

Placer High Student Killed In Auto Accident Tuesday!

The Placer County Sheriffas office has identified the victim of a fatal crash on I-80 as 16 year old placer high school student Joelle Cherelyn Lindbloom.A The Crash took place at 7:15 am Tuesday between Auburn and Colfax on I-80 at the Heather Glen over crossing. The vehicle left the…

El Dorado County Goes To Pot!

El Dorado County Goes To Pot!

El Dorado County voters approved selling and cultivation of commercial marijuana. The new measures allow the county to issue permits for a maximum of 150 cultivation sites in rural and agricultural areas, as well as up to seven permits each for recreational and medical dispensaries. El Dorado will be one…

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