Citrus Heights Budget Troubles!

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By BStigers on February 4, 2021.

The City of Citrus Heights is facing a budget crisis and reported to the council his week proposed cuts in services and staff as a solution. The current budget is 35 million dollars. The police department appears to be hardest his with 28 vacancies on the force and faced with another 5 cut. The department continues to respond to urgent calls but has suspended investigations of narcotics and gang activity, reduced patrols, halted its problem-oriented policing program and is no longer completely staffing its public counter. Another huge expense is street maintenance, which, along with public safety, is a priority among residents. Cities like Citrus Heights considered small in population are bi-pasased by Federal Funds and with the lack of sales tax from the Covid-19 aStay at homea orders are suffering with not enough revenue to maintain services.
