LOCAL NEWS 5-24-22

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By BStigers on May 24, 2022.

Placer County Sheriffs has received a 580-thousand-dollar grant for body worn cameraas they must wear while on duty. According to the Sheriffas Office, the funding was secured with the assistance of Congressman Doug LaMalfa through a community grants program of the 2022 fiscal year Appropriations Bill. Placer County Supervisors previously approved a three-year program for body-worn cameras on April 27, 2021.

According to the Sheriffas Office, the program used by the body cameras will also be integrated into the camera system in patrol vehicles. Installation of the cameraas will be as soon as possible.


Sacramento Fire Officials confirmed yesterday that a man that was pulled out of the American River after not resurfacing Sunday evening near Discovery Park in Sacramento has since died, fire officials confirmed yesterday. The man, who appeared to be in his 30s, walked into the river shortly before 6:30 p.m. and went underwater and did not resurface,


Placer County Sheriffas reported a recovery of a manas body from the Wise Canal in the rear of the Social Security office in North Auburn at 6 am on Monday in North Auburn. There was no identification on the body and an investigation is now underway.


Auburn police said a car chase that reached speeds over 100 mph ended in a crash in front of city hall early Monday morning. According to police, the chase began around 1:30 a.m., with the Placer County Sheriffas Department pursuing the driver. Auburn police said the chase reached speeds of over 100 mph while on Highway 49.  The car chase ended when the driver crashed in front of city hall, but the driver still tried to escape by running away from officers. Driver was arrested bud did not release details of the chase or what lead up to it.


A power outage left 2,105 PG&E customers in the dark Monday afternoon. The outage impacted the Penn Valley and Rough and Ready areas of Nevada County, stretching from Wildwood West Drive to West Drive and Meadow View Way to Oak Ridge Road. Cause is under investigation by PG&E.