By Jerry Henry on December 13, 2019.
The City of Loomis, at their council meeting Tuesday, instructed city staff to pursue various measures to help curtail youth vaping within the city by restricting vaping, e-cigarettes, and all flavored vaping products. The New mayor Jan Clark-Crets was joined by two board members but opposed by two others. Tim Onderko and Jeff Duncan were in support, Brian Baker and Rhonda Morillas opposed. While there was no formal vote on the measure, the proposal will move forward with a 3-2 consensus of potential support. It was reported that the principal of Del Oro High School and representatives from the local Loomis Sheriffa s station had visited the mayor recently asking for a ban on flavored products and vaping. The matter was left with requesting the Placer County Tobacco Control Program be asked for periodic updates. There have been several presentations made by youth organizations from local and other Placer County schools supporting a ban. There was no timetable issued to staff to return to the council with a proposed measure. Close up of inhaling from an electronic cigarette.
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