Posted on December 11, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, News, Slider, Top Stories
Auburn Mayor Bill Kirby put forward a motion at last nightas City Council meeting to increase sales tax in the city by 1 cent. Kirby speaking at the Meddlers this morning said that with the additional police and firemen added this year, the city which is in excellent fiscal health…
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Posted on December 10, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider, Top Stories
Placer County Sheriffas with assist from the El Dorado County Sheriff have arrested a Folsom Resident, Mario Wilson following an incident at a hotel on Bowman Road early yesterday morning. Thirty-one-year-old Wilson, who Sheriffas believed threatened employees and guests at the hotel was not found at the hotel after the…
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Posted on December 10, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider, Top Stories
A second fatal accident on highway 49 occurred Friday night at Bell Road when one car hit another head on at about 5:10 p.m. CHP reported four vehicles were involved and all lanes of 49 were closed for a period. CHP Auburn said a 55-year-old female driver was driving southbound…
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Posted on December 7, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, News, Slider, Top Stories
The City of Loomis is holding up the approval of the Costco project challenging the traffic impact part of the Environmental report release earlier this week. The project has been in the planning stage for some time, and has been challenged before by Loomis. The challenge could hold up the…
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Posted on December 6, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, News, Slider, Top Stories
The Sierra Elm shopping center located in Auburn at the corner of Highway 49 and Fulweiler was shut down yesterday afternoon when the smell of arotten eggsa signaled a natural gas leak. Fulweiler Ave was also closed to through traffic along with the centers parking lot as emergency crews responded.…
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Posted on December 6, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, News, Slider, Top Stories
A fatal three vehicle crash occurred on highway 49 yesterday in the Northbound lane north of Auburn near Cramer Road. Just after 1 p.m. witnesses reported a black Volkswagen Golf was traveling at high speeds, 80 to 85 MPH in the middle turning lane passing cars. Highway Patrol Officer David…
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Posted on December 6, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, News, Slider, Top Stories
Jenine Windeshausen, Placer County Treasurer announced this week that 5 p.m. Tuesday December 10, is the deadline to pay the first installment of county property taxes. State law demands payment be paid on time or there is a 10% penalty. Taxpayers have several ways to make payments. To pay by…
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Posted on December 6, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Another storm is headed into the area tomorrow, Friday and through the weekend. It is a warm system and is predicting a large snow drop of 1 to 3 feet of new snow at 6000 feet and above with rain at the lower levels.A Highway conditions are subject to chain…
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Posted on December 3, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider, Top Stories
Several cities in California are being advised they must change their city council governance from at-large to district-based voting. Auburn, Roseville and Lincoln are among these cities along with many others. They are being notified they are in violation of the California Voting Rights Act. Lincoln has passed an ordinance…
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Posted on December 3, 2019 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider, Top Stories
City of AuburnA elected William “Bill” Kirby as mayor for the next year. Bill has said this is his last term on the council. Music was presented before the 6:00 p.m. meeting by the Placer High Jazz band to the enjoyment of the audience waiting. Council Member Sandy Amara proposed…
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