Posted on May 26, 2018 by Michael Herron and saved under Slider
A A A The 93rd annual Sacramento Host Breakfast, in conjunction with the California Chamber of Commerce,A brought together some 1400 leaders from all parts of California and beyond from finance, government, education, agriculture, military and industry to exchange views, establish and renew friendships and create a statewide atmosphere of…
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Posted on May 26, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
This weekend marks the traditional start of the boating season in Northern California, but a new state law may prevent some people from getting behind the wheel on the water. Until this year, no license or test was required to drive a boat in California. In January, a new law…
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Posted on May 26, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
FEMA and the Red Cross have teamed up for a drill over the past three days preparing for mass evacuations of Californians to Arizona in the event of a massive California earthquake. They have 1,000 volunteers posing as refugees and going to Phoenix to be processed. The plan is to…
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Posted on May 25, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
A Ponderosa High school Teen lost her life in an early morning auto accident yesterday on Ponderosa Road. Identified as Hope Bist was on her way to school where she was a junior, and her vehicle left the highway and drove through a fence then crashed into a tree.A She…
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Posted on May 25, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Area High Schools will celebrate Graduation on Saturday. Placer, Foresthill and Colfax high schools will celebrate the annual ceremonies starting at 9:00 AM. The Auburn Journal featured a story earlier in the week about Placer High Students receiving more than a million dollars in scholarships this year, thanks to many…
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Posted on May 25, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Memorial Day ceremonies will be observed by Auburn Area veterans Monday at the New Auburn Cemetery with members of the Auburn Area Honor Guard, American Legion Post # 169, American Legion Riders Chapter 84, Veterans of Foreign Wars Placer Foothills Post 904, Marine Corps League Placer Bulldog Detachment 1247, Knights…
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Posted on May 24, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Folsom Lake is two feet from being classified as FULL for the upcoming Memorial weekend and holiday. As of this morning, the lake is reporting 463.84 feet above sea level just over two feet from capacity at 466 feet. Boaters will experience water up to the boat ramps for the…
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Posted on May 24, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Construction on the Tower Bridge is delayed until mid-July. Work was supposed to start MondayA to inspect and replace parts of the lifting mechanisms. However, Caltrans delayed the project. A spokesperson for West Sacramento did not give a new project timeline, nor provide a reason for the delay. When work…
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Posted on May 24, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
Residents of the city of Folsom were surprised by a mailer that arrived in mailboxes yesterday announcing a proposed rate increase for water. The City council and mayor also registered surprise at the increase proposal since they had no prior knowledge of the proposed increase, and have not had time…
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Posted on May 24, 2018 by Jerry Henry and saved under Local News, Slider
A Whitney High School Student has been arrested in Rocklin after posting a handgun, magazine and ammunition on social media. Police say the student did not attend school on Tuesday and they went to the studentas home investigating. Officers found the gun in the home but it was unloaded.…
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